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Thursday, 17 October 2013

Any helpers?

Hi Everyone
I am sad to be writing this but I have made the decision it has to happen so I can focus on my blog. (
I have recently became a mummy and don't have as much time therefore sadly can't run UK Book Giveaways for a little while. 
If anyone is willing to help add giveaways please email me booksforcompany @

Would be great to not have to give this site up. 


  1. How do you find book giveaways?

  2. تفخر شركتنا شركة فارس الفرسان 0530260633 بانها واحدة من افضل شركات تسليك مجارى بالدمام والمنطقة الشرقية - الاحساء – الجبيل – الخبر - القطيف
    فنحن نمتلك السيارات والمعدات اللازمة لتقديم خدمات
    شركة تسليك مجارى بالخبر
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    والغازات الملازمة لامتلاء البيارات حيث من اضرار امتلاء البيارت ظهور
    رائحة كريهة بالمنزل وتراكم الحشرات خصوصا الصراصير والفئران
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    • نجهز المعدات والسيارات والاشخاص الذين يقمون بالعمل
    • تقوم الشركة بسحب المياة حسب رغبة العميل سيارة او سيارتين او اكثر
    • اضافة الملح وحمض الهيدروليك لتفتيح المسام الداخلية للبيارة
    • بعد الانتهاء من العمل يتم اغلاق فتحات البيارات باحكام تام لعدم التعرض
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    تقريبية لحلها فنحن في شركة تسليك مجارى بالدمام – الاحساء – الخبر – الجبيل - القطيف نمتلك مجموعة من العمال
    المدربين والقادرين على مساعدتكم بايجاد حلول فعالة لمشكلة البيارات اي كان
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  3. [Sci-fi/Action/Adventure/Fantasy/SuperHero]

    📷GiveawayAS OF 7/4/2019 I HAVE MORE [FREE UK BOOK CODES] I HAVE hundreds of FREE CODES FOR My Best-Selling DragonMan Series, you may have one or all of the book codes in the series, your choice.

    I have well over 400 free audible book codes for the UK, message me for the codes, or email me:

    I am Ted Lazaris, author of The DragonMan Series

    All of the DragonMan books are AMAZON Best-Sellers in both the US and UK.

    DragonMan: Experiment in Terror Audiobook – Unabridged Hits #1 on AMAZON UK

    The DragonMan Series Kindle Edition by Ted Lazaris (Author) Hits #1 on AMAZON US Best-sellers list.

    Here is where you can see the books and read the synopsis for them.

    FREE book codes will be given out to people who will redeem (all of the codes) the same day they receive them.

    The codes must be redeemed or they will expire and be given out to others.

    The DragonMan Characters - Best-Selling Audible books Free

    FREE GIVEAWAY! Message me for the free UK book codes.

    You don’t have to review the books.

    The DragonMan Series by #1 Amazon Best-Selling Author Ted Lazaris is filled with thrilling mystery, magic, adventure, and twists and turns you’ll never see coming.

    The amazing story of DragonMan was born at the dawn of the 21st Century, when the world, about to change forever, watched in disbelief as four passenger airliners crashed, not only into buildings and a field in Shanksville Pennsylvania but into the American certainty that the horrors of the outside world could not touch them at home. It was into this world that a new kind of superhero emerged, one for whom the lines between good and evil are blurred.

    Is he friend? Or is he foe? No one knows for sure. What they do know, however, is that as a friend there is no one better.

    DragonMan is not your typical Superman/Batman comic style adventure. It is about the adventures of Luke Starr, a superhero, yes, but he is so much more than that.

    These are all stand-alone adventures, Luke and his sisters solve crimes and mysteries. They run Starr investigations detective agency. The audience for these books range from 7-16 years old, but can still be enjoyed by people of all ages.


    For obvious reasons, I did not include in-depth descriptions of all the reoccurring characters from book 1-8. For those that are reading the entire series, it would be very redundant.

  4. This sounds so lovely and sweet, and just what I need! Love your review! I’m getting this book!

    Anita Fisk
    DTwist of Fate
    The Healing Bowl
    fighting to survive
    quest adventures


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